Counseling Services Program–#2
the counseling sessions was co-developed with the advice and guidance of a child services expert, Terry Abell, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, who works with the FSU Multidisciplinary Center and who trained the author of this report in direct clinical counseling practices designed for youth in the school setting. Likewise, a special debt of gratitude is extended to Alison Otter, a professional Art Therapist who has been instrumental in teaching LaRose (me) methods to reach children, with techniques that are not entirely linked to a preferred (and bias toward) the cognitive/behavioral perspective. LaRose is greatly indebted to these two professionals, continues to benefit from a collaboration that is ever expanding in relationship to Ms. Abell and Ms. Otter. Andrew Miller, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, provided clinical supervision for the counseling component of the program, for this and other school counseling programs, offered by LaRose in various North Florida counties, and for the work LaRose provides out of his offices in Tallahassee, Florida.
the counseling sessions was co-developed with the advice and guidance of a child services expert, Terry Abell, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, who works with the FSU Multidisciplinary Center and who trained the author of this report in direct clinical counseling practices designed for youth in the school setting. Likewise, a special debt of gratitude is extended to Alison Otter, a professional Art Therapist who has been instrumental in teaching LaRose (me) methods to reach children, with techniques that are not entirely linked to a preferred (and bias toward) the cognitive/behavioral perspective. LaRose is greatly indebted to these two professionals, continues to benefit from a collaboration that is ever expanding in relationship to Ms. Abell and Ms. Otter. Andrew Miller, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, provided clinical supervision for the counseling component of the program, for this and other school counseling programs, offered by LaRose in various North Florida counties, and for the work LaRose provides out of his offices in Tallahassee, Florida.
Program Credit & Funding Source. The school superintendent, and the county school board that provided the resources to fund the counseling services program are also to be commended. Its insight, wisdom, and goal driven motivations to ensure that the district provides to its students the services that will assist their youth in succeeding in the academic setting is innovative, far reaching, and curative. At a time when mental health funding is limited, constrained, and seasonably unpredictable, a venture that seeks to foster mental health program implementation where students directly and almost immediately benefit cannot be under estimated – and neither can it be sufficiently praised. The kind of innovation and efforts to reach the youth also would not have been feasible without the direct assistance and facilitation of the ESE Program Director and the accompanying support staff in this department, who have all pursued the counseling services program at the district level on behalf of youth who might otherwise go without services altogether. A special expression of gratitude to the district is extended.
. The school superintendent, and the county school board that provided the resources to fund the counseling services program are also to be commended. Its insight, wisdom, and goal driven motivations to ensure that the district provides to its students the services that will assist their youth in succeeding in the academic setting is innovative, far reaching, and curative. At a time when mental health funding is limited, constrained, and seasonably unpredictable, a venture that seeks to foster mental health program implementation where students directly and almost immediately benefit cannot be under estimated – and neither can it be sufficiently praised. The kind of innovation and efforts to reach the youth also would not have been feasible without the direct assistance and facilitation of the ESE Program Director and the accompanying support staff in this department, who have all pursued the counseling services program at the district level on behalf of youth who might otherwise go without services altogether. A special expression of gratitude to the district is extended.
Logistical Support. At the local school setting level, without the input, assistance, and support of the many people who enable the day-to-day operations of the school itself, the counseling services program would not exist. The support staff, teachers, guidance counselor(s), principal, assistant principal(s), coaching staff, and others, all contributed time and energy in various ways and degrees so that troubled youth could be assisted to better succeed. Often such professionals are perceived as oppositional parties to the very youth they are hopeful to serve – such a perception, in my experience, is erroneous. The communication that occurs when people begin to address problems and solutions with children they have in common, in partnership with various trained professionals and disciplines, is the foundational function of curative mental health services and holds true when professional team up to meet the needs of youth. Teachers, principals, guidance counselors and support staff are seldom paid enough to do the work they do, thus the work they do is not merely motivated by the pay check, but rather by the passion for seeing youth succeed. “Thank you” is likely an overused term, that understates the appreciation for what front line school personnel do every day in the classroom, in the office, and out on the playgrounds, gymnasiums, and football fields.
Report Preparation and Electronic Application. All graphs were developed using standard MS Office® software, such as Excel®, Word®, and Access®. The publication of this document on the web was made possible, in part, due to the web publishing features found in MS Publisher®.
About the Author. Kurt LaRose, MSW, a Clinical Social Work Intern – a licensed counselor and therapist in Florida (FLA License #3858) provided the direct services for the counseling services program in this, and other schools and counties. LaRose is a part-time adjunct professor with Thomas University; a guest writer on the topic of mental health for the Honor Cord; he works part-time with the Florida State University Multidisciplinary Center and works in private practice between two office locations in Tallahassee. A professional and personal bio can be found on the LaRose website, along with other private practice information (identified later in this report).
The continuity of the counseling services program is determined via private contract negotiation that occurs each year between LaRose and various county school districts. Service availability is limited depending upon the number of schools being simultaneously served, and availability of the counseling service program is dependent upon availability of other counselor’s who will collaborate to meet demand. The counseling services program is also limited to the availability of funding.
Author Contact.. Questions related to the raw and transposed data on which this analysis is based, the specific examples and/or copies of the survey instruments, and the school counseling program design, development and implementation, with data tracking, and intervention methodologies and supporting intervention research, as well as questions about this assessment can be directed to Kurt LaRose, MSW, 2901 Kerry Forest Parkway, Tallahassee, FL 32309, or by email at: Information regarding the counseling services program in the school setting, as well as assessment, diagnosis and treatment of youth, in addition to other program implementation, research and evaluation regarding various other areas of mental health and mental illness, with private practice methods and techniques used by LaRose can be found at Visitors to the website are advised to use the link title “Site Map & Index” for ease of use and accessibility for information that is relevant to specific interests.
. Questions related to the raw and transposed data on which this analysis is based, the specific examples and/or copies of the survey instruments, and the school counseling program design, development and implementation, with data tracking, and intervention methodologies and supporting intervention research, as well as questions about this assessment can be directed to Kurt LaRose, MSW, 2901 Kerry Forest Parkway, Tallahassee, FL 32309, or by email at: Information regarding the counseling services program in the school setting, as well as assessment, diagnosis and treatment of youth, in addition to other program implementation, research and evaluation regarding various other areas of mental health and mental illness, with private practice methods and techniques used by LaRose can be found at Visitors to the website are advised to use the link title “Site Map & Index” for ease of use and accessibility for information that is relevant to specific interests.
Limited Permission to Duplicate & Copyright Information. Permission for the use of the content of this report, its text and graphics, by the school district where the contract services were provided, and/or by the school personnel who facilitated program processes, is expressly provided herein. This limited permission to duplicate, directed only to the contract authority who funded the counseling services program identified herein, must include the use and distribution of the report in its entirety and all other uses are strictly prohibited. US Copyright laws protect the content of this report, and this report may not be used in any manner without the expressed and written permission of the author.