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Submitting information here is not PRIVATE.
* Users who click the “Yes I want to Submit this form” button above acknowledge that others may be able to see the information being sent, that such information could be misused by malicious and non-binding parties/persons, and that non-secure contact is being made with a mental health professional (Kurt LaRose at TalkifUwant.com) through it’s hosting provider (Brighter Vision) with these understandings in mind. An alternative secure and private option is available here as offered by the practice of LaRose that meets privacy and secure communications in accordance with HIPAA. For more information about secure server mental health options, accessible 24 hours a day – please go here. To communicate confidentially login to the secure patient area instead.
The easiest way to know what is encrypted with this practice – is simple: look at the PUBLIC DOMAIN website and then to look at the Secure Patient Domain website. Besides the layout differences one requires a login and the other does not. To learn more about encrypted communications and the security features of the practice have a look here!
Because a provider log in portal is now available with TalkifUwant records information can be generated and submitted electronically to providers with the appropriate consent form almost immediately. If you are provider and you have a consent form, please call the practice for a portal permission where your form can be uploaded immediately. If you are a client or former client wishing to have records sent to someone written consent is needed. The consent form can be found on the public domain, however that form will have to be mailed. If you wish to expedite the process you should fill out the form by logging into your digital file where there is nothing to print. Questions? Feel free to call too.
| Social Media Policy | Private Practice Privacy Statement | Patient Bill of Rights Information | What is Encrypted Mental Health? |
Rev 8/17/20; 9/21/20